AWW..Sugar 7/19/06 (not factual)

Gerard fell asleep with Andie under his arm. He awoke once through the night when she turned on her side. He curled up behind her slid his arm around her waist, resting his hand on her stomach. It wasn't long before he drifted off to sleep again, burying his face in her hair, listening to the gentle rhythm of her breathing. He hadn't slept like that in months.

Andie slowly woke up and soon realized Gerard was holding onto her. His body snuggled up against her back and his breath felt warm on her neck. She looked over at the clock on the bedside table. The alarm would go off in a few minutes, so she reached over and turned it off before resting her hand over his on her stomach. If she could stay right here all day, she thought, it still wouldn't be enough.

Gerard was still sound asleep. She could tell by his breathing. Carefully, she lifted his arm and turned around to face him before lowering it over her again. Snuggling up to him, she thought he looked so peaceful.

From what he'd told her, she knew he'd been so busy for so long...completing the album and all. It was a shame, but there wasn't any alternative but to wake him up.

Leaning her face up to his, she kissed his motionless lips. He stirred slightly, but didn't wake up. Leaning up again, she kissed his forehead, nose, cheeks, chin, earlobes, and neck before he slowly stirred awake. He opened his eyes, trying to focus, and groaned. Smiling drowsily, he rubbed her back.

"Oh it morning already?? Nooooo..." he mumbled.

"Yessss..." Andie said into his chest. "You have a big day today."

"But I don't wanna..." he whined. "I mean...I DO, but not YET..."

"I know...I'm sorry..." she patted his chest. "But you have to get up."

He rolled onto his back and rubbed his face. "Why today? Damn... See? This shit isn't right. I get to spend all night with you just to get up at the fucking crack of dawn. I should get to spend all day right here with you." He squeezed her.

"Well...maybe we can...another day...but not today," she said as she started to climb over him to get out of bed.

"Oh no you don't...where do you think you're going?" He grabbed her by the waist, but since she was only half over him, she had to straddle him to keep from falling.

She looked down at his face and grinned. "You don't wanna do this...I'm warning you..."

"Ha! Maybe I do!" he laughed and bit his top lip.

"Don't say I didn't warn you..." Leaning down over him, her dark hair dangled to both sides of his face as she tenderly kissed his lips.

It only took a moment for Gerard to become fully aware of the impact of the challenge he'd made, and it was a losing battle. He subconsciously squeezed his hands where they had been resting on her hips and moaned against her mouth.

After she lifted her lips from his she whispered, "Baby, I gave you fair warning."

Just then there was a knock at the door. They both looked at the door, then at each other. Gerard lifted his head to see the clock.

"Who could that be this early?" asked Andie.

"Oh shit..." Gerard grimaced and slapped his own cheek. "I forgot to tell Mikey..."

"Ohhh..." Andie climbed off of him and he hurriedly pulled up the covers again and turned to his side. Walking towards the door, she looked back at him and laughed. "I warned you!"

Peeking through the peep-hole, she turned back to Gerard again, "Yep, it's Mikey."

When she opened the door, Mikey stood there with a concerned look on his face.

"I'm sorry, Andie. But have you seen Gerard? I thought he was with you but I woke up and he still wasn't there."

"Yeah Mikey, come on in. He's here."

Mikey walked in but was visably embarrassed when he saw Gerard in her bed.

"Dude! It's okay! I'm fully fucking clothed. I just feel asleep here last night."

Andie started laughing and went to the restroom, leaving the brothers alone.

Mikey turned back to Gerard and pointed at him. "You fucking scared the shit out of me. Don't do that to me again."

"I'm sorry! It was totally my fault. I should have called your cell or something. I just forgot." Gerard apologized.

"Well you'd better get moving or you'll be late. I'll see you guys downstairs." Mikey turned to leave as Andie walked out of the restroom. "Bye Andie, see you later."

Andie had barely shut the door behind Mikey when she heard the bathroom door close behind Gerard. He must have bolted from the bed, she thought and strained to keep from laughing.

A moment later, the room's phone rang and Andie answered it. It was Brian. He said there was a change in plans and they didn't have to be at the shoot until 6pm. Sam had decided it would all be shot outside after dark. The only catch was that they would shoot until it was finished, so all the guys had to make sure they got some sleep today.

"I don't think that will be a problem," Andie was saying as Gerard walked back in the room.

After she hung up the phone, she told Gerard everything Brian told her. He sat there on the bed staring at her for a moment before he jumped up and threw himself on the bed.

"Good! Let's go back to sleep! I'm so fucking tired."

Gerard and Andie snuggled up together again and turned out the light.

"Have I told you how amazing you are?" Gerard said softly into her hair.

" I don't think so." Andie snuggled up closer to him.

"Well, you are..."

They drifted off to sleep again.

Hours later, they woke up and decided to get some coffee and something to eat. They took off from the hotel walking together. There were all kinds of shops and restaurants nearby.

They stopped at a coffee shop first and had muffins and lattes in a corner booth together. Sitting close together, they talked and shared laughs as if nobody else in the restaurant even existed.

Next they found an old record store and they were like kids in a candy store. Gerard found some old records of Iron Maiden and proudly showed Andie the fascinating cover art. Andie found some sheet music she wanted. She went over her favorites with him of the expansive collection in the store.

As they were making their purchases, the clerk told them there was a instrument store a little further down the street that they might be interested in checking out.

They walked into the shop and it was filled with all kinds of old instruments, some refinished, some in pretty bad shape. There were several pianos and Gerard begged her to play something, just a LITTLE something. He only convinced her because there wasn't anyone else in the store with them.


She sat down on the bench and played her favorite peice by Tchaikovsky, "The Seasons, October: Song of Autumn".

Gerard just stood there watching her in awe. She was so good. She was like, concert pianist good. He couldn't believe his ears.

When she finished, the shopkeeper started clapping from the corner. Andie turned around and covered her face in embarrassment.

"Andie....that was so amazing... Do you even know how good you are?" he asked incredulously, touching her arm.

"I don't know...I guess."

She was so humble about her playing, even after all these years.

Gerard and Andie walked back to the hotel together and went to their separate rooms to get ready. Then everyone headed to the set for the last time, just as the sun was setting.