The Ghost of You 7/24/06 (not factual)

Andie awoke in her childhood bedroom. The twin bed that had once seemed so small now seemed much bigger. She sat up in bed in her Hello Kitty nightgown and looked around at all her familiar things; the plastic pink butterflies on the wall that her mother had picked out, the white vanity she'd begged for on her 7th birthday, her Strawberry Shortcake dolls still on the floor where she'd left them the night before.

The sun was just coming up and peeked through her pink ruffled curtains. Climbing out of bed, Andie tiptoed on her tiny feet to the window. A blanket of fresh white snow covered the neighborhood. Her street looked the same as it had back then. Most of the houses were decorated for Christmas with colorful strings of lights, plastic Santas and reindeer, or Nativity sets.

That's right! It was Christmas morning! Santa had come! She just knew it!

She ran down the hall to Logan's room. Her little brother was still asleep in his bed under his Snoopy sheets. But he can't be sleeping...Santa had come! Christmas was finally here! She shook Logan until he startled awake and frowned up at his big sister. It only took him a moment to realize what day it was. Oh it was so hard to fall asleep last night!

"Did he come?" Logan whispered, bright eyed.

"I'm sure he did! Let's go!" Andie took Logan by the hand as they ran down the stairs together.

The big Christmas tree lit up the still dim living room downstairs. The room seemed much bigger than it had before. Her old piano sat in the corner of the room with her Christmas carol sheet music proudly on display. And there, under the tree...

"Look, Andie! Look!" Logan pointed excitedly to the presents under the tree.

"I knew it! I knew it, Logan!" Andie beamed at her brother.

It didn't take them long to find the gifts Santa had left out on the couch. Andie picked up the blonde haired Cabbage Patch Kid and hugged it close to her.

"Oh it's just what I wanted!" she closed her eyes and smelled the fresh powder scent of the doll.

Logan found some new G.I. Joe's Santa had left out for him.

"Andie! Look! I got a Cobra Commander! And Zartan, the leader of the Dreadnoks!" Logan started playing with them immediately. "Absolute power!"

They both looked up at hearing footsteps and saw their parents in their robes, walking down the stairs.

"Look Mommy! Look! Santa came!" Logan yelled.

"Look at my dolly, Daddy!" Andie proudly held up the doll to show him.

"That's great, Sweetie!" Her dad smiled at her before turning to Andie's mom and slipping his arm around her. Andie's mom laid her head on his shoulder.

Andie watched her parents embracing one another with affection. Suddenly, she had a feeling she'd been in this moment before. The notion quickly left her when Logan asked if they could start opening their presents now.

That year, Andie and Logan must have been really good, because Santa brought them all kinds presents. Andie got some My Little Pony's, a pink boombox, cassettes of Madonna and Duran Duran, and a new outfit for her Cabbage Patch Kid. While Logan got G.I. Joe's motorcycle, his tank, and a bunch of Stomper trucks.

"Well, looky here!" Their dad said setting down his cup of coffee. "It looks like Santa knew it was going to snow!"

From behind the couch, he pulled out a big red sled with a big red bow on it.

"Steve..." Their mother softly scolded, smilling at him.

"What? Santa knows these things. He's got connections up there at the North Pole." He grinned as the kids took turns sitting in the sled.

After the family ate breakfast together of pancakes and warm maple syrup, Andie and Logan got bundled up and ran outside to play in the snow with their new sled.

That Christmas would be the last year that Andie's parents would show true affection for one another. In the years that followed, they slowly grew further and further apart, until they no longer felt they knew one another and finally filed for divorce. Andie would always remember that Christmas. Not for the toys, not for the lights, not even for the snow...but for the love her family showed one another.


The blackness returned. With it came silence this time. There were no voices, no bright lights. Suddenly, Andie felt so alone and scared.

But wait...she felt a hand on her shoulder. Turning around, she found herself standing face to face with Logan. He looked so handsome in his Marine dress uniform and was smiling warmly down at her.

"Logan! Oh my God!" She grabbed her brother and hugged him tight.

"Hey, Sis." Logan wrapped his big arms around her and squeezed her tight.

Andie cried into his chest. "Oh God Logan...I've missed you so much..."

Logan rubbed her back and comforted his sister. "Shhh...Andie...It's okay...I've been with you all along..."

She lifted her head and looked up at him, searching his face for answers. "You have? But how?"

"You're my sister! I'll always be here for you, Andie. You don't have to be afraid of anything."

" died, Logan..." For a moment, she thought maybe she dreamed he had died. Or...or maybe he didn't know he had died? Wait... " I dead?"

"No, Andie.." He laughed that big laugh of his. Then the serious, protective brother in him smiled at her. "You'll be fine. You're so much stronger than you give yourself credit for. You always have been. Just be strong, Andie. And remember, I'll always be here for you..."

With that, Logan was gone.