The Collision of Your Kiss 7/18/06 (not factual)


Filming continued that final day of The Black Parade video. After Gerard's closeup sequence, the actors playing the patient, nurses, and doctor completed their scenes.

The final scene had the guys on the float with all the extras and the actors together. There was confetti flying everywhere and it seemed to fit the ending of such a tremendous project. Everyone was hugging and congratulating each other after the final shots were complete.

Gerard and the guys went to their dressing room to change while Andie went to her salon to clean up for the next day's shoot for the video that would become "Famous Last Words".

Andie laid out her makeup brushes from the cleaning solution so they would be dry tomorrow morning as Gerard startled her from behind.

"Hey you!" he grabbed her sides.

"AH!!" she jumped. "You scared me!"

"C'mon...." he coaxed. "I wanna jump in that pool...."

"Alright, alright...I'm almost done!"

They rode back to the hotel with Brian while the rest of the guys went out to eat together. Gerard's hand rested on the small of her back as he led her into the elevator. Brian rode up to his floor with them, but couldn't help but notice the way Gerard and Andie kept smiling at each other. They said goodbye to Brian and agreed to meet him in the lobby the next morning.

When the elevator door closed again, Gerard looked up at the ceiling until he saw Andie look away from him, then he ducked his head down to kiss her neck. Andie lifted her head and laughed. God he loved that laugh. He started laughing himself as he turned his body to hers and nuzzled his face up into her hair.

"Gerard!" she giggled wrapping her arms around him.

The door opened and she took off running down the vacant hotel corridor, turning back to grin at Gerard. But he didn't miss a beat and was a step behind her when she reached the door to her room.

"Okay! Okay! I give!" she said when he grabbed her.

"So what sounds good to eat?" he asked as she swiped her keycard in the door.

"Hmm...I dunno..." she thought a moment as she opened the door and walked in. "How about Chinese?"

"Sounds good to me! I'm fucking starving. I'll go ahead and order it now." He walked over to the restaurant information on the table. "What do you usually get?"

"Um...lots of vegetables...some rice."

Gerard put the phone down after he'd finished ordering as Andie was digging out her swimsuit. He threw himself on his stomach on the bed. "Oooh...let's see that!"

"What?! go get yours on! And hurry before the food's here!"

"YES MA'AM," Gerard jumped up. "I'll be right back!" He stopped to kiss her cheek on his way out the door.

A short time later, there was a knock at Andie's door. She slipped a t-shirt over her swimsuit and looked through the peep-hole only to see Gerard's goofy grin. She opened the door and he spread his arms as if he was presenting himself to her in some red and black board shorts and a black t-shirt.

"Woooooo!" she fanned herself.

But Gerard didn't have shit for a response. He was too busy noticing how her little t-shirt revealed a black and pink polka-dot bikini bottom...and the soft milky white skin of her tummy.

"Andie! What is this? A bikini?" he took a step forward. "Lemme see!"

"What?! No!" she protested until he turned his puppy dog eyes on her. "Oh...fine..."

She lifted her t-shirt and revealed the top of her suit for a brief moment just as the delivery guy walked up. Gerard stopped grinning and moved to stand in front of her in that protective way he'd taken to.

Gerard set out the food on the table while Andie slipped on some shorts. After they ate, they sat talking for awhile before heading to the pool together. Gerard couldn't resist sliding his hand around her waist in the elevator. That newly revealed skin was as soft as he'd imagined it would be. And he had no idea she had such sexy legs. She put her arm around his waist and leaned up on her toes to kiss his cheek gently. He decided he was very much liking elevators on this trip.

The pool was deserted, so Gerard didn't waste any time. He slipped his t-shirt over his head, stumbled out of his shoes, and jumped in. He popped his head up out of the water and saw Andie standing in front of him.

"What are you waiting for? Jump in!"

"When I said I wanted to 'jump in the pool' it was a metaphor! Is it warm?" she asked as she pulled her t-shirt over her head and slipped off her shorts.

"Oh's warm....." said Gerard grinning up at her standing in front of him in her bikini.

"See? I knew you were a fuckin' perv!" Andie joked as she sat down on the side of the pool and began kicking her feet in the water.

"What is this??" he asked walking towards her through the waist-deep water. "You can't sit there! It's not allowed!" And with that, he stood up and pulled her into the pool with him.

It was so easy for Andie to feel comfortable around him as his hands held onto her under the water. She ducked her head under and smoothed her wet hair back from her face before wrapping her arms around his neck. He leaned forward and kissed her. His lips melted hers and her body relaxed inside his arms. This was just what she needed after these past two long days.

Gerard moved them both so that Andie's back was to the side of the pool as he kissed her deeper. His hands slid around the smooth skin of her stomach and waist. Her body seemed so incredibly receptive to his touch. He opened his mouth slightly and she followed his lead. His tongue found hers and they caressed each other. Her chest brushed against his as her legs spread slightly to allow him closer. Oh my God he had to

Andie felt Gerard pulling back before he lifted his head and kissed her forehead.

"Ahhh...this could be a bad, bad thing, Sugar..." he said looking around the pool area.

Andie considered the situation for a moment before she ducked out from under him, swimming away, leaving him dumbfounded. Just then, she popped up again and splashed him.

" don't want any of this, Andie!" he warned, but she was already splashing him again. Well that settled it, he had no choice. He splashed her back harder.

After they'd had their fill of goofing off in the pool, they decided to go upstairs and watch a movie. At first, they had planned to use Gerard and Mikey's room. But since they both needed showers and Mikey might come back and want to get some sleep, Gerard said he would take a shower in his room, then come to hers.

Andie showered and washed the chlorine out of her hair before putting on a clean t-shirt and some fairy print boxers. She was brushing her wet hair when there was a knock at her door.

When Andie opened the door, Gerard couldn't believe how soft and cozy she looked, just showered and without make-up...just Andie. "Hey you..." he grinned.

Andie was closing the door behind him when he reached around from behind her and hugged her. "So what's playing on pay per view? Have you looked?" He let go of her to go look through the hotel's TV info.

Andie laid on her stomach across the bed. "I don't know...I didn't get a chance to check it out. Why don't you pick something?"

"Oooh!" he exclaimed as he read the info. "Look! Texas Chainsaw Massacre is on. Have you seen it?"

"No, but I really wanted to see that when it was in theaters," she said.

"Me too!" he said excitedly. "Let's watch that!"

He laid on his stomach at the foot of the bed next to Andie as they started the movie. She would cringe or laugh at all the right places, he noticed.

"You know, that Sheriff makes the movie.." she smiled.

"I know! How does that just work, you know? To make a horror movie and have some crazy ass fucker that just cracks you up. That's brilliant. I love it."

"Me too!" agreed Andie.

About halfway through the movie, Andie shivered. "Are you cold?" he asked. "You can get under the covers if you want. It's ok."

"I think I will..." Andie thought rubbing her arms. "But you can too if you want. It's okay."

They snuggled under the covers and finished the movie with Andie's head resting on Gerard's chest. His hand rubbed her back and he sighed. There wasn't another place in the world he'd rather be right then. And there wasn't another person he'd have chose to be with either.

When the movie was over, and she'd turned off the TV, Gerard didn't want to get up just yet. She was so warm and smelled so good. He didn't want to leave her yet. Then his demons started creeping up on him again.

Maybe he should go. Maybe he had overstayed his welcome. It was really late. Maybe she just didn't want to say anything. Maybe he was wrong about her reaction in the pool. And what if he was wrong again now? He started making himself feel like a fool again.

"Thank you..." Andie said quietly after several long moments of silence. Gerard had to snap out of his thoughts. Did he hear her right?

"What?" he asked.

"Thank you...for just...everything," she sniffed.

He lifted his head up to see a tear crawl down her cheek. "What? Why are you crying? What's wrong?"

"I just...I don't know...I've just been so depressed for months and, since I met just have this energy and you make me feel, everything's gonna be okay."

He pulled her close to him as she quivered in his arms. "Oh God,'s okay..." He couldn't stand seeing her in pain, but he didn't know what else to do but hold her.

" brother...Logan..." she tried to breathe so she could finish her sentence and it frustrated her.

" don't have to..." Gerard said softly, rubbing her arm. He wondered what had happened to her brother, but not enough to pry. He knew it was difficult for her.

"No...I want to...." she sniffed as she sat up next to him. " brother....he....he was in the Marines...he was in Iraq for over a year...and...and he was shot...bad...and...and now he's gone. I'll never get my little brother back..." She sobbed again and he pulled her close to him.

"Goddamn war," he said before he sighed. "I'm so sorry, Andie..." He felt like kicking himself for thinking she was holding back because of him. He felt so selfish in that moment. He made a promise to himself, right then, right there...he never wanted to allow anyone hurt her again...not as long as his heart still beat inside his chest.

"He was just so young...he had his whole fucking life ahead of him..." she paused and sniffed. "But he always wanted to be this...hero...always looking out for everyone else. And look where it got him..."

"This is exactly why I get so fucking frustrated with the world today," he couldn't hide his anger. Maybe it wasn't his place to decide who's battle was who's, but why did so many innocent people have to suffer like this?

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to unload on you like this." Andie apologized and wiped her eyes.

"Don't be sorry, Andie. I am here for matter what. I am here." They held each other for several long, quiet minutes.

"Are you tired?" she asked eventually.

"I'm alright. Are you? Do you want me to go? It's okay if you do."

"No...I want you to stay," she squeezed him and snuggled up against his chest.

A few moments later, Andie dozed off listening to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat against her ear. It soothed her soul.