Superheroes & Demons 7/18/06 (not factual)

.The second day of shooting was filled with as many different shots as the day before. The guys spent a lot of time performing on the float, but Gerard had to do a separate headshot for a particular part in the video. So, after lunch, Andie would need to completely remove his make-up and re-apply it.

Just like the day before, Gerard and Andie spent the lunch hour together hanging out with the guys in their dressing room.

Gerard watched Andie on the opposite end of the couch talking with Mikey like she'd known him forever. He wondered if this was how it would always feel to spend this much time with her. He had a feeling about her. He'd been wrong in the past, but still... She just seemed him.

Andie glanced up and Gerard saw him looking at her. She held his gaze, wondering what he could be thinking... And what was going on between them? He was in a band, afterall. How would it ever work to have a relationship with a guy in a band? Yet...she was so comfortable with him, it was as if she'd known him half her life already. She just wanted to be with him and share everything with him, even about Logan...

Gerard noticed she was wearing a charm bracelet today. "Can I?" he pointed to it and held out his hand.

She gave him her arm. He held it across his leg with one hand and picked up each individual charm, studying them. "You like fairies, huh?"

"Well, kinda. I mean, I played Tinkerbell once in our school play when I was a kid. I was always smaller than everyone else... I guess it kind of stuck with me. The whole fairytale, make-believe thing, you know?" she answered.

Mikey was taking a drink of water and almost choked on it, while Gerard had a shocked look on his face.

"What?" Andie looked at them, confused. "Did I say something?"

"Gerard played Peter Pan in our school's play when we were kids..." Mikey supplied when he composed himself, smiling.

"Wow..." Gerard said. "How weird is that? You played Tinkerbell and I played Pan?"

Andie nodded and smiled in amazement.

When he had finished eating, Gerard got his sketchbook out of his bookbag on the floor and started to draw a picture of Andie.

"Do I get to see this?" Andie asked after several minutes of being patient and tried to peek over the pad of paper in Gerard's hand.

"When I'm done!" said Gerard with a child-like grin.

"You better not be making me some grotesque old woman," Andie warned him.

Gerard laughed. "Ha! Ha! That's a good idea!"

"What!?" she grabbed at the pad.

"No! You have to wait!" he protested and concentrated on his drawing.

Bob peeked over Gerard's shoulder. "Don't worry, it's not bad," he reassured Andie.

"Okay...okay...I'm done," he said several minutes later as Andie sulked.

He handed the sketchpad to her. She looked down and saw herself drawn as a superhero with a mask and costume. She had on a skin-tight suit with a big belt and big boots and big...

"Gerard! You gave me these huge tits!" she looked at him in astonishment.

"What? It's a cartoon!" he defended himself.

"So say, IF I could draw...and I drew you...and gave you this huge bulging would be okay because it was a cartoon?" she asked.

"Of course it would be okay. Plus, it would be an accurate representation of real life," he said in all seriousness.

"Gerard!" Andie chastised him.

Some of the guys laughed at Gerard and someone threw an empty plastic cup at him.

"What? You guys fucking know it!" he joked.

Andie continued staring at the drawing. "I like her. I do... Other than the tits, of course... So what are her powers?"

"Well," said Gerard sitting up closer. "She uses her hands to create this light-energy that can destroy her enemies. You know how you called your hands 'magic hands'? It just gave me this idea."

Andie smiled at the drawing and nodded in agreement. "Yeah...kinda like 'the force' in 'Star Wars'..."

"Exactly!" He pointed to the drawing. "See..I made her wear a mask because she's new to the whole superhero thing and the powers and shit. So she's kind of shy about it and unsure about she hides her face."

" really put a lot of thought into this," said Andie, considering what Gerard said as she studied the drawing. "So show me how she uses her powers."

Gerard reached for the notebook and scooted next to Andie so she could see what he was drawing this time.

A few minutes passed and Gerard explained, "See, I gotta make her eyes just right...really...sensual..." He concentrated intently on the drawing as he spoke.

Andie watched his face as he worked. "You think my eyes are sensual?" she asked him quietly.

He stopped drawing and turned to Andie. "Definately...sensual..."

Their eyes locked for a long moment until they remembered they were surrounded by everyone.

"Hmm...I think we should get started on my makeup, don't you?" he grinned.

"Oh yeah..." Andie's blue eyes sparkled. "That is a great idea."

Gerard put aside the notebook and stood up. "Hey guys, we're gonna go so Andie can get started on my makeup. So...I'll see you guys on the set later."

He followed Andie out the door as one of the guys yelled out, "Ow! Ow! Ow!"

Gerard didn't bother turning around as he gave them all the finger.

Andie hadn't walked three feet into the salon when Gerard shut the door behind him and took her hand. She turned to him as he slipped his arm around her middle and drew her closer.

"You never told me if you were seeing anyone..." he searched her face.

"Well, since you're asking... No, I'm not... What about you?"

"Huh-uh," he mumbled shaking his head in slow motion. His eyes didn't leave her lips.

"I guess that's a good thing, huh?" she whispered.

"That's a very...good...thing..." he whispered before he pressed himself against her and kissed her full on the mouth.

Andie found herself, once again, fighting to lock her knees in this man's presence, but she held her ground. She let her hands crawl up his back to cradle the warmth of his bare neck. Her fingertips weaved through his short hair. She felt his large hands pressing firmly against her back as his lips gently massaged hers. As she lost herself in his kiss, her knees gave in, but he was holding her so close, she barely moved.

Her warm chest against his, Gerard could feel Andie's heart beating like a drum. When her knees buckled, he turned to back her against the wall. She slid her arms up under his as he moved his own to cup the sides of her face. Her lips tasted like candy on his, and he wanted to devour her completely.

Gerard slowly lifted his lips from hers. Andie's eyes were still closed when he opened his and looked down at her, catching his breath. Her chest heaved as she inhaled and exhaled deeply. He kissed her on the nose before she opened her eyes and grinned up at him.

"Gerard Way..." she breathed. "You are just...full of surprises...aren't you?"

"You ain't seen nothin' yet, Sugar," he said with that devilish smile.

"Oh yeah?" Andie countered as her eyes darted back and forth between his.

"I wanna see you tonight," he whispered.

"I'd like that," she whispered back, but he caught her last words with his mouth as his lips found hers again.

A moment later, they were startled by the door opening behind them. The director's assistant poked her head in the doorway.

"Sorry to interrupt... But lunch hour is over and they'll need you for the closeup sequence in thirty minutes, Gerard."

"Ok, thanks!" called Gerard over his shoulder trying not to sound annoyed.

"Mmm..." Andie lowered her head in disappointment. "I guess we'd better get started..."

Gerard sat still in the chair as Andie used the makeup remover on him. He tried to read her thoughts wasn't working. He was second-guessing himself again. He worried that he had been too bold. But...then again, she seemed to feel the same way. She sure was quiet now, though.

What if he was wrong? What if she was sorry they had kissed and didn't know how to tell him? What if he was just making a fucking fool of himself?

He had fought these demons within himself all his life. And he would continue to do so, from time to time...

Unless...unless he was before. It always took the pain away, didn't it? NO. He would not. He could not. Never again. It just hid the pain, anyway. It didn't take it away.

Besides, he was sure she felt the same. He saw it in her eyes. He would not because of the guys who were like brothers to him...he would not because of the album...and he would not because of her... He owed it to them all. But most of all, he owed it to himself.

Gerard - 1, Demons - 0

"Are you excited?" Andie startled him out of his thoughts.

"Yeah! I love this shit!" he smiled. "Sam may be a little rough, but he's a fucking genius. Me and the guys couldn't be happier."

Andie smoothed the ivory base on his forehead and cheeks as he looked up at her. "So what about tonight?" he asked.

"What about it?" she tried to hide her smile. But he saw it. And it meant more to him than she knew.

"What do you want to do?" he asked. "You name it, we'll do it. You want the moon? Just say it. It's yours."

"Hmm...I don't think so..." Andie considered. "But...since nobody got much sleep last night...why don't we stay in and do something?"

"Sure. Like what? You wanna get a movie in me and Mikey's room? Order Chinese takeout? Pizza?"

Andie laughed. "You're not hard to please!" Then she thought of something... "Did you bring swimtrunks?"

"Um...I don't know. I think...maybe. Yeah, I did. You wanna go swimming?? I love swimming!"

"Yeah, I do! We could jump in the pool at the hotel, then maybe get some food and watch a movie?"

"I like that idea!" he laughed. "I like it alot." He did a bad Forrest Gump impression.

Andie cracked up as he tickled her sides and pulled her onto his lap.