I'll Take You Home With Me 7/27/06 (not factual)

Andie walked through the door to her apartment and immediately saw the roses on the table.

"Oh Gerard!" She covered her mouth with her hand and walked over to admire them and touch the petals. "They're so beautiful!"

He caught up with her and slipped his arm around her waist. "No...you're beautiful."

Gerard leaned in and kissed her lips gently. She was so soft and warm...and now she was finally home where they could relax and enjoy each other's company.

Andie loved Gerard's kisses. She would stay in his arms for days...maybe weeks...if she could get away with it. Nobody could stop them from spending this well-deserved time alone together. She was so happy, she wanted to ravage him, but had to restrain herself because her ribs were still sore.

He pulled away and held her close. "So...what do you wanna do first?" He asked excitedly. "I got groceries if you're hungry. Are you hungry?"

"Actually...I wanna take a nice long bubble bath." Andie moaned and smiled up at him.

"Ohhhh ssshit..." Gerard bit his bottom lip. "Well...okay...I'll get it ready for you, but I'll have to stay out of there. I don't think I could handle myself like a gentleman." He watched Andie's smile turn wicked.

"I don't think you need to worry about 'handling' yourself around me..." She practically purred. She was coming on to him!

"Fuckin' perv..." Gerard whispered and kissed her again. She sucked his bottom lip before opened her mouth just the slightest bit for him, hinting at an invitation for him to slip his tongue inside. She was so fucking sexy. Did she have any idea what she was doing to him? Did they give her something he wasn't aware of?

Andie melted in Gerard's arms. He just...tasted...so...good. She felt dirty and she had this urge to just climb him like a cat climbing a tree. Oh...but her body wasn't ready for this...what was she doing? She was just so elated at being alone with him and finally home at last.

Andie pulled back from Gerard and rested her forehead against his.

"Baby, I'm so glad you're here with me." She breathed next to his mouth.

"I am too, Sugar..." He caught his breath. "But if we keep kissing like that, your poor body isn't going to be able to handle what I'm gonna do to you..."

"Mmm..." Andie grinned. "Then I'd better go take that warm bubble bath." She turned to head towards her bedroom for some clean clothes.

"Great!" He called after her. "That helps a lot! Thanks!" He joked.

Gerard filled the bathtub with warm water and some Victoria's Secret bubble bath Andie had beside the tub while she sat on the side watching him. She wondered if he would get in with her if she asked him. What was she thinking? She knew they wouldn't be able to control themselves and she didn't want to over-do anything.

"Are you hungry" Gerard looked up at her.

"YES! I'm starving!" Andie grinned.

"How about spaghetti?"

"You're gonna make spaghetti?" She looked at him with uncertainty.

"Fuck yeah! I'm part Italian, you know. We start learning to make spaghetti in fuckin' preschool!"

Andie laughed and had to coddle her right side.

"You okay?" Gerard turned serious.

"Yeah, just sore. But this bath oughtta help." She smiled at him. "Thanks, Gerard."

He kissed her forehead. "You don't have to thank me. I wouldn't want to be anyplace else in the world."

After her bath, Andie walked into the kitchen in a big fluffy white bathrobe. Gerard was just finishing up and putting spaghetti on thier plates when he looked up at her.

"Smells good!" Andie grinned and kissed his cheek.

They ate their dinner at her dining room table. Afterwards, they didn't watch any movies or do anything in particular at all really, they just snuggled up on her couch together and talked. It was so nice to be able to enjoy each other's company outside of that depressing hospital room.

Soon, Gerard could tell Andie was getting sleepy.

"Andie..." He said quietly. "You're fallin' asleep. Let me help you get into bed and then I'll clean up in the kitchen."

"Hey..." She scolded him. "You don't have to do it all. I can help, too."

"No, no, no...I'm taking care of you. I promised."

She turned to look at him. "You promised who?"

Gerard considered for a moment before he responded. "Actually, I promised everyone. And I keep my promises."

Andie smiled up at him and snuggled against his chest. "Can I just...have you? Just for me? You are so wonderful to me, Gerard. I don't know what I did to deserve you..."

"It's the other way around, actually..." He remarked. "And you are so tired, Sugar. C'mon, I'll get you to bed. We'll have plenty of time together, I promise."

He helped her to bed and tucked her in.

"Hurry...I want you to hold me again..." Andie mumbled into her pillow.

"I will." He whispered as he kissed her cheek. But she was half alseep. So he went to go clean up the kitchen.