If You Were Here, I'd Never Have a Fear  7/26/06 (not factual)

Andie awoke in the hospital bed next to Gerard. It was comforting to know he was there with her. She could tell by the dim light coming through the closed blinds that it was daybreak. Her side was still sore, and she had a dull headache, but she wasn't about to ask for more meds. She was sure there had to be something in her IV anyway.She felt really weak and her arms felt heavy.

Gerard was sleeping so peacefully next to her. She didn't want to wake him. She laid there listening to some birds outside her window and Gerard's stady breathing. She hadn't realized how serious the accident had been until now. And even still, she was confused about what all had happened to her.

A nurse came in the room and her eyes grew wide at Gerard in bed with her.

"Honey, I'm glad to see you're awake, but I don't think he's supposed to be in bed with you." She said to Andie.

"No. He's okay. He's not hurting me and I want him here."

Gerard awoke to their voices and slowly sat up in the bed, careful not to move to quickly and jostle Andie.

"What's wrong?" He asked them both.

"Nothing. It's okay." Said Andie.

"Well, since you're awake, we'll need to get your catheter removed and Dr. Fletcher will want you to try to get up and move around some today." The nurse said as she checked Andie's IV bag.

Andie looked at Gerard as if to say 'stay with me'.

"It's okay, Andie. I told you, I'm not going anywhere. Even with my hobbit foot, I'll help you." He grinned down at her.

"Hmm...I think we should bring you a walker." The nurse said to Andie.

Gerard left to get some coffee. When he returned, Andie's curtain was pulled and he could hear Dr. Fletcher talking to her. The nurse came around the curtain and saw Gerard.

"Her catheter is out now. She'll need help getting to the bathroom when she needs to go. I brought her a walker, too." She said to Gerard quietly before she pushed the curtain open.

Dr. Fletcher was telling Andie the extent of her injuries and explaining the procedures they'd performed. Andie saw Gerard and relief washed across her face. It was a lot to take in at once.

"And I want you to try to eat something this morning." Dr. Fletcher continued. "I'll have them bring you some breakfast. Eat what you can." He looked up and saw Gerard.

"Mr. Way," the doctor greeted Gerard. "Andie will need to try to walk some today, but don't let her overdo it. And someone will come help her get a bath this morning. Then she should start feeling like herself again."

Dr. Fletcher left after explaining to Gerard what he'd told Andie. If she felt well enough tomorrow, she'd be able to go home, so long as someone stayed with her to keep an eye on her. AND so long as she got plenty of rest for a couple of weeks.

Andie stayed awake with Gerard all morning. They had some breakfast together and watched a crappy movie on TV, but they were content just to be together again.

While the nurse was helping Andie get a bath, Andie's mom came. Gerard hugged Andie's mom and updated her on what Dr. Fletcher had said earlier. Diane was grateful when Gerard offered to stay with Andie at her apartment.

When Andie came back into the room, she hugged her mom and they both cried together. It had been awhile since they'd seen each other and then this happened. Diane stayed with them for several hours until Andie started to get tired. She tucked her little girl into her hospital bed and said goodbye to both her and Gerard.

Gerard went back to working on his comic while Andie napped.

Steve arrived before she awoke and he and Gerard discussed getting her home tomorrow, assuming she would be able to leave. Gerard said he'd like to go to her apartment ahead of time and make sure everything was ready for her. Steve agreed that it was a good idea and wrote down directions for Gerard, then gave him a key.

"Wait..." Gerard thought aloud. "I don't have a rental car. I'll have to get one."

"Well..." Steve considered. "Andie's insurance company should provide her with one. I'll check into it and, if that's the case, I'll pick you up here tomorrow morning and we'll go get it. Then you can head over to Andie's and get her place ready for her."

Andie woke up and saw her dad.

"Daddy..." She cried quietly as her dad sat with her and held her.

Gerard hated to see her cry. He knew she'd been through so much and it was so overwhelming to her. He would do anything for her.

Steve spent several hours with them before leaving them alone together.

Andie decided she was up for a short walk. She was tired of looking at these same four walls. Plus, she hadn't had any trouble getting back and forth around the room and to the bathroom.

Once they'd started out in the hallway, they laughed at themselves. Gerard was walking with a cane, and Andie with a walker. They were so fucked up, they looked like a little old couple together!

They walked through the hospital halls together until they came upon the chapel where Gerard had been just the other night. Andie, too, noticed the stained glass windows and Gerard looked over at her.

"I spent some time in there while you were asleep..." He looked up at the windows as Andie turned to him and watched his face. He amazed her every day she'd spent with him. Why would today be any exception?

"You did?" She asked.

Gerard nodded. "I didn't know if I would get you back again. And I needed answers. I didn't know where else to look. I was just walking these halls just like this and it just...seemed like the right thing to do."

"Let's go in and rest a little bit." Andie said before they walked into the small chapel together. They sat down in one of the deserted pews and held hands in silence.

"I'm glad you were here." She smiled at him. It was comforting to know Gerard believed in God, too. She should have known he did. Everything else about him seemed to fit with her.

After they'd rested awhile, they started walking again and came across the nursery. They stopped to admire the newborn babies through the window together. Some were screaming and flailing about. Some were sleeping peacefully.

Gerard saw her face light up and couldn't help but let his thoughts drift to a day when maybe Andie would be a mom. He just had that feeling about her. She had that caring tenderness mixed with this strong, brave personality...like his own mom and his grandma. He saw that in Andie, especially right now.

She looked up and saw him watching her. "What?" She grinned over at him.

"Nothing! Nothing!" He grinned back at her and she elbowed him.

Soon they were back in Andie's room and, against the hospital staff's wishes, Gerard crawled into the bed next to her again that night. Fuck 'em.

"How are you feeling?" He asked her quietly. "Are you comfortable?"

"I feel a lot better than I did even this morning. But I'd give anything for my own bed right now...with you." She lifted her head to kiss him softly.

"I hope they let you go home tomorrow." He rubbed her arm.

"Me, too." Andie agreed.

They fell asleep together watching the old "Dawn of the Dead" movie on TV and laughing at how corny it was.