Honey If You Stay, I'll Be Forgiven 7/26/06 (not factual)

"Andie! You're awake!" Gerard rushed over to the bed and sat on the edge, touching his hand to her cheek. "How long have you been up?"

"I don't know. Not long, I guess." Andie's voice was gravelly.

He got her some fresh icewater and sat back down. She grimaced as she took a sip.

"How are you feeling?" He asked as he took her hand.

"My side feels...bruised." She answered.

"You broke some ribs...among other things" Gerard told her. "Do you need something for it? Is it too much?"

"No...no...I don't want anything right now." Andie said. "How...how long have I been here?"

"It's Tuesday evening. You've been here about a five days." Gerard didn't know what to do but keep talking to her to keep her awake as long as possible. "I met your dad...and your mom. They're really cool people."

"Oh...they were here? Yeah...they're great." Andie brought her hand up to rub her face and stopped when she saw her nails. "What? When did I...?"

"Oh...yeah...I, um...I got bored?" Gerard smiled at her sheepishly.

"So you painted my nails?" Andie looked incredulously at him. "You are so weird, Gerard."

"It's a gift, what can I say?" He admired his work. "I think they look hot. I also read you some comics. And I was drawing...And I talked to you...a lot... I'm surprised you're not sick of hearing me. Unless...is that why you woke up? To tell me to shut up?"

Andie started to laugh and grimaced from the pain.

"Are you sure you don't want something? I don't know if it's supposed to hurt that much."

"No...I want to stay awake..."

"Are you hungry? I could get you something..."

"Not really...maybe later..." She closed her eyes for a moment, but forced them open again. "How long have you been here?"

"Actually...I got here about three days ago. I didn't know about the accident at first. And I was...having problems with my medication for my foot..." Gerard stopped. He didn't know if he should tell her...and if he should, maybe not right now.

"Oh, Baby, how is your foot?" Andie asked, concerned.

"It's getting better. It still hurts to walk on it, but I got that cane see? I'm a pimp now."

Andie started to laugh again and grimaced. "Okay...you're gonna have to stop making me laugh..."

"Oh shit...I'm sorry...Okay...I promise...no more laughing."

"What was wrong with your medication?" Andie asked.

He'd hoped he would be able to wait to tell her. He wasn't proud of it and it made him sick to think he'd been that weak after all this time.

"Well...that hospital...they gave me Oxycodone."

"Yeah?" Andie didn't understand.

"So...someone who has had a problem with medication in the past isn't supposed to take that. And I didn't say anything. I thought it would be alright, that I was strong enough to take it. But I got all depressed and then I took more than I should have and it made me really sick...mentally and physically."

Andie was following now as she studied Gerard's face. "Oh God, Gerard. What happened? Are you alright?"

"Yeah...I'm alright. And now I know, no matter how strong I feel, I can't trust that I can just take any medication and it won't affect me in a negative way."

Gerard brushed her hair off her forehead with his hand again.

"I almost forgot, I'm supposed to call your mom AND your dad!" Gerard called each of Andie's parents and she talked to them both for a few minutes.

"I love you, too, Daddy. Bye." Andie handed the phone back to Gerard. "Hey...You think you can do something for me?"

"Yeah...sure." Gerard sat up straighter. He would do anything for her. "What do you need?"

"I need you to hold me..." Andie tilted her head on her pillow and looked at him.

"But...what if I...hurt you?" Gerard hesitated. She looked so fragile yet. He knew her ribs were healing, and she had stitches from her surgery...not to mention her head injury. "Are you sure?"

"Yes...I'm sure..." She carefully tried to scoot over and Gerard helped her so she didn't hurt herself. "C'mere..." She patted the empty spot on the mattress next to her.

Gerard gently crawled into the bed and laid on his side next to her. He lifted his head up and kissed her forehead.

"I'm so glad I have you, Andie. I don't ever want to be without you again."

"Me neither. Stay with me, Gerard." She rested her head on his shoulder. It felt so good. It felt like it just belonged there.

"I'm not going anywhere, Sugar." He kissed the top of her head.

This time, both Andie and Gerard fell asleep together.