The History of Andie 7/17/06 (not factual)

After several long hours of shooting, everyone agreed they needed a break. Sam called out an hour for lunch and everyone started leaving the set.

Gerard began searching the crowd of people from the float they were using as a prop. Mikey, ever the observer, tapped his big brother on the shoulder and pointed to Andie standing with some extras, touching up their hair.

“Thanks, bro,” said Gerard with a smile. “ did you...”

“Don’t act so surprised. You're my brother. I know you like the back of my hand,” laughed Mikey.

“Yeah, yeah,” conceded Gerard as they jumped down together.

“She’s great,” said Mikey as they walked together. “You should ask her out.”

Gerard was headed in Andie’s direction when he turned around and grinned at his brother. “I think I already did!”

He caught up with Andie and the extras seemed surprised. He just smiled and greeted them. “So, ya hungry?” he asked turning back to Andie.

“Starving," she replied with a sincere smile as the extras walked off in different directions.

"We could grab some sandwiches or something and hang out in our dressing room?" asked Gerard.

"Yeah, sounds like a good idea. But," she hesistated and reached up to smooth some makeup at his temple with her thumb. "You're coming undone. I'm gonna have to get you back in my chair for more than the powder touch-up's you've had between takes."

They reached the band's dressing room with sandwiches and bottled water. The guys were already there, sprawled out on various couches, eating and talking about the video shoot. They'd stripped themselves of their military style jackets, which were thrown about the room randomly.

"Andie!" exclaimed some of the guys when they turned to see who had come through their door.

"Hey guys!" smiled Andie.

"Have a seat. Make yourself comfortable," said Gerard as his slid his own jacket off his arms.

As they ate, everyone discussed the video shoot. They were all in agreement that it was going much better than expected for the first of only two days to complete it.

Frank's cellphone rang. He looked at it and beamed before answering. "Hey baby," he said as he left the room to take his call.

The guys commenced their previous conversation as Gerard moved to sit down on a couch next to Andie.

"So, tell me more about yourself," he said, leaning back and crossing his legs at the knees.

"Well..." Andie thought as she pulled her leg up underneath her and turned slightly towards Gerard. "There's not much to tell, really. Like...what exactly do you want to know?" She took a bite of her sandwich.

"I don't old are you? Where are you from? What's your family like? Did you always want to do this for a living? That kind of stuff, I guess." Gerard shrugged and started on his sandwich as well.

"Hmm..." Andie considered after she swallowed. "Well...I'm 28. My younger brother and I grew up outside Chicago. Our parents split up when I was 12. I had some rough teenage years, but nothing tragic, thankfully. My dad moved to LA to 'find himself' shortly after my parents split up, but my mom still lives near Chicago. I get along with them both really well now. I stayed with Mom until I went to college. Then I moved to California and stayed with my dad on weekends until I graduated from Berkeley a few years ago."

As she paused to take another bite, Gerard asked, "So what did you study at Berkeley?"

"I studied History and Music," replied Andie.

"Wow...what a combination," Gerard considered. "Any particular reason?"

"Not really," shrugged Andie. "I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life at that time. I felt lost all of a sudden after years of thinking I had everything together. So I went with what I knew. I loved history, and had taken piano lessons religiously for years."

"Do you still play?" Gerard asked with added interest.

"When I get a chance," said Andie. "I have a baby grand at my dad's that I play sometimes."

"What do you like to play?"

"Mostly classical. It's like..." Andie paused to finish her thought. "It's like telling this dramatic story with there's no need for words to say it."

"Yeah, I can see that..." Gerard stared, blinking at Andie as if he were reading her. "So, where's your brother now?"

Andie looked down at her sandwich and suddenly lost her appetite. "Logan? He's...he's gone."

Gerard immediately sensed her change in demeanor. He'd seen that pain before. He'd felt that pain before. He knew it all too well.

"Hey, it's alright," he touched her arm and bent his head down toward hers. "I understand."

There was a knock on the door and Ray answered it. It was Sam's assistant with a 20 minute reminder.

"I should get started on your makeup," said Andie looking around the room at the other guys. "And anyone else who needs it."

Gerard, Mikey, and Frank walked with Andie back to her room. They both, too, needed make-up help. Gerard waited until last again so he would have more time alone with Andie.

"Sorry," apologized Mikey in Andie's chair. "I guess we all got a little carried away out there."

"Are you serious?" asked Andie with surprise. "Don't be sorry! You guys look awesome out there."

When everyone had left, Gerard smiled knowingly at Andie and sat down in her chair once more.

"I've been'd you end up as a stylist for this kind of thing after studying History and Music, anyway?" he asked.

"Well," Andie smoothed some more ivory makeup on his forehead. "I told you how I felt really lost at that time?"

"Yeah..I know the feeling. Trust me."

"Well, I'd always been able to create or re-create styles with hair and makeup. So my dad talked to some friends of his in LA and hooked me up with an opportunity study under some great stylists there. And, I am."

"It just fit, huh?"

" did."

"But what about History and Music?"

"Oh, I still love History...especially recent history. I LOVE the 40's. It's like...I can immerse myself in a period, you know? Like, you just become obssessed with something you're interested in and you just can't stop until you've had your fill of it?"

"Oh yeah, do I ever," laughed Gerard. "I was the same way when we started on this album. And that's kind of how it is with my drawing. I have to force myself to just put down the pad of paper sometimes!"

"Yeah, like that!" laughed Andie.

"So what about music?"

"Well, I love it for me. You know? Does that make sense? I mean, when I play, it feels it's something personal..." Andie seemed to linger on the thought and Gerard could just imagine her getting carried away with a melody.

"I kinda know what you mean. I mean, although as a band, we perform for audiences and that's like, our life. But I mean, I can play guitar. It's not my strength, so I just play for myself sometimes or when I'm working on a song."

Sam's assistant popped in the doorway. "You're needed Gerard."

Andie finished touching up some of his short hair with gel between her fingers. "There."

"You know, you're a really cool person, Andie."

"Thanks!" she laughed. "So are you."

Gerard really loved that laugh...