The Black Parade Comes to London 8/21/06-8/22/06

Soon it was Monday and time to catch another flight out of the states. Gerard and Andie, along with the band and crew, boarded a flight to London for the guys' show at the Hammersmith Palais on Tuesday, August 22.

The show that sold out in only 15 minutes would be their very first introduction of the new album. Everyone was on edge during the flight. It was a little nerve-racking, not knowing how the new songs and new look would be received by their huge British fanbase. But for the most part, the guys all felt the new album was something special and would surely be a hit soon.

The eleven hour flight that left Newark International at 8pm Monday landed at London Heathrow at 7am Tuesday. Everyone would have time to check into their hotel and rest before the show. It was after 9am before they could relax in their rooms.

"I am so fucking tired. I hate long flights," said Gerard as hung up the garment bag that contained his new "uniform" for the show. "It's like, you wanna sleep, and you can TRY to sleep, but it's NOT like normal sleeping. You know what I mean?"

"Yeah. I do. But at least we'll be here for more than a day, unlike Japan!" said Andie as she slipped off her jeans and removed her bra.

Gerard stripped down to a t-shirt and boxers as she pulled back the sheets on the bed.

"What time do we need to get up?" asked Andie, trying to set the alarm clock.

"I think maybe...four? four-thirty? We need to be there by six," Gerard said as he crawled into the bed and laid on his side.

Andie crawled into bed beside him and let out a big sigh. Gerard reached up to smooth her hair back and touch her cheek. She turned to him and closed her eyes as he slipped his arm around her to hold her close.

Soon the annoying alarm was sounding. Gerard opened his eyes and smiled at her drowsily. Andie kissed his lips before she climbed out of bed and walked to the window. He watched her walking across the room in her t-shirt and panties as she opened the curtain and the bright daylight filled the previously darkened room.

"Someone's gonna see your lovely, half naked ass," he said as he climbed out of bed to hop in the shower.

"Nah, we're too far up," said Andie, looking out the window. "Hey, do we have a coffee maker in here?"

Gerard was already in the bathroom. "Yeah, we do. I'm hungry, too. Are you?"

"Yeah. I wonder if we can order breakfast at this hour?" said Andie as she searched through the room service information on the table.

They were both showered and had a nice shot of caffeine when their food arrived. While they were eating, Brian called Gerard and told him they had announced the new album's name earlier. Now people were lined up outside the venue in black hooded robes!

"AH! That fucking rips!" Gerard commented before they disconnected the call. He closed his cellphone and told Andie what Brian said.

"Oh that's crazy! See? I knew people would be into this. You guys are gonna have a great show tonight," Andie grinned before taking another bite of her late breakfast.

"Did I ever tell you about the time we played here and our record company had a fucking funeral procession going down the street. It looked like it was straight out of some old movie or something!" Gerard laughed.

"Really? Oh my God! No, you never told me that!"

"Yeah, but then the hearse died! And then people had to push it! That was fucked up! We had a lot more theatrical stuff with that show. We had a coffin and dancers on the stage. I hope everyone likes the new show as much as they did that one..."

"I'm sure they will..." Andie smiled at him across the table.

That night, when the show was about to begin, it was announced to the large crowd that My Chemical Romance would not be performing. The crowd got quite upset. The announcer then added that their friends in "The Black Parade" would be performing instead. The curtain was raised to a dark stage with the guys in their uniforms. The crowd continued booing. Some were even giving them the finger and throwing things at the stage. Others were crying.

Then the lights came on and Gerard turned around as the guys started playing "The End". The crowd realized it was them and went crazy. The guys played many of the songs off their new album that night. As predicted, the new songs were well received by the London crowd. They also played a few songs off 'Revenge', and ended with "Helena", of course.



After the show and the backstage meet n greet, everyone returned to the hotel in great moods. They were excited about the new songs being received so well. And since everyone had rested before the show, there was just too much adrenaline to sleep. Gerard took another shower since he'd worked up a sweat onstage, while Andie changed into a t-shirt and boxers and painted her nails.

Gerard came out of the bathroom, towel-drying his hair, singing. "There's NO business like SHOW business..."

He stopped in his tracks when he saw what Andie was doing.

" again, my love?" he bent to kiss the top of her head.

"Yeah. I told you I liked it, Silly."

"Hey...I wanna paint your toenails!" Gerard grinned.

Andie laughed. God he loved that laugh.

"Okay..." Andie replied.

"YES!" exclaimed Gerard.

"Hey...I gotta tell you something! Jamia and I have been texting each other off and on all evening, and guess what?" she beamed.

"What?" asked Gerard.

"She thinks Frank's gonna fucking PROPOSE to her!"

"Really??" Gerard faked his surprise as he grinned. "What makes her think that?"

But Andie wasn't buying it. "Gerard! You knew?!" she exclaimed.

"Well...yeah...guys talk about that shit, too, you know?" he smiled.

"Ohhhh...that is so sweet!" Andie gushed. "God, I'm so happy for them!"

Gerard watched Andie's reaction. She was genuinely excited for them. And it gave him a thought. It was a thought he'd never had until just now. He knew he wanted to be with her forever, but this particular thought just...hadn't crossed his mind until that moment. And it made him wonder...

Andie looked up at Gerard as she painted her last fingernail. "You're turn!"

"What?" asked Gerard, obviously shocked and confused.

"Your turn..." Andie looked at him as though he'd lost his mind and held up the black nail polish. "You wanted to do my toenails?"

"Yeah!" Gerard shook his head back to reality. "Ha! Ha! Yeah, I do!"