In the Dark Where the Animals Go 8/17/06-8/18/06

Gerard and Andie would stay at his mom and dad's for the next four days before the entire group went to the UK. The finished basement that Gerard had taken over years ago was still the place he considered home. And Andie finally got the opportunity to meet his family and see where he'd lived.

Although Don was at work most of their stay, Donna and Andie got along famously together. She was so nice to Andie. And it cracked up Andie how Gerard and Donna would tease each other all the time. It didn't take long to feel right at home there.

The next day, Mikey came over to have dinner with everyone. He had to tell his mom all of the things Gerard and Andie had left out about how they met and the ordeal they went through.

After dinner, Gerard and Mikey took Andie out in Gerard's black SUV to show her around Belleville. They went by their old schools and showed her where Frank's family lived.

That night, Gerard and Andie snuggled up together in his familiar bed. He held her close and whispered sweet nothings in her ear as she giggled like a school girl. His warm breath in her ear gave her goosebumps all over.

"I have something for you," he whispered.

Andie gazed over at him on the bed, still smiling from her giggling epidemic. "What is it?" she whispered back.

"It's a secret," he whispered again.

"What?" she asked aloud.

"Shhh..." he tried not to laugh at he kissed her nose.

She pulled back and put her hand on his chest. "Wait, what do you mean, 'it's a secret'?" she whispered again, playing his game by his rules.

"It's a SURPRISE for you," he whispered. "But it's not ready yet."

"Well...when will it be ready?" she whispered again and grinned.

"I don't know!" Gerard couldn't hold it in any longer and started laughing.

"What do you mean, you don't know?" she asked as she crawled over him and straddled him on the bed. She was just not able to wipe the smile off her face. He was so sweet and silly.

"I just...don't know," he smiled and continued whispering.

Confused, Andie sat up on him. "Well, when you know, you tell me, ok?" she whispered.

Gerard bit his bottom lip and stared up at her in the dim light of his room. "Do you know how much I love you?" he asked aloud.

"I don't know," Andie answered. "How much?"

Gerard hesitated to find the right words as he gazed up at her.

"I would do anything for you," he finally answered. "I would lie...cheat...steal...I would bleed for you...I would die for you."

She studied his face for a long moment. He was dead serious. Andie knew she felt the same... There wasn't anything she wouldn't do for him.

Andie leaned over Gerard on the bed as her mouth hovered over his. Her eyes searched his face.

She looked as if she would cry as she whispered, "I would die for you, too, a fucking heartbeat."

He lifted his head and kissed her lips hard as his hands rubbed over her back. They felt such passion for one another in that moment, it was almost frightening. Their lips parted as their tongues searched desperately for each other. Gerard rubbed his hands down to her behind and grabbed it hard, pulling her pelvis to his. He lifted her t-shirt over her head heatedly.

Andie was grinding herself against his growing erection as her bare chest grazed his and he growled into her mouth. He tugged at her boxers as if to tell her they just had to go. And now... She pryed her lips from his and he sucked her bottom lip harder than he intended. She lifted herself to hastily remove her boxers and panties. Gerard, his mouth still open in anticipation, was watching her every move as he lifted himself to slip out of his own boxers, and threw them aside.


Andie crawled back on top him and supported herself on her arms. She lowered her head and her open mouth found his. His own seemed to need hers like he needed air to breathe. She spread her legs to straddle him again, and her moist, warm sex covered his erection without allowing him access just yet. In response, Gerard lifted his pelvis against her and groaned into her mouth.

Reaching down between her legs, she grasped his hardness beneath her and lifted the moist tip to her warm, eager lips. Gerard's mouth went still against hers as she lowered herself onto him. His hands still on her bottom, he pressed her down hard on his throbbing erection and she gasped. She began rocking her pelvis against his as he slid in and out of her.

Andie moved her knees up to each side of his hips. Her lips left his as she lifted herself upright. Gerard's hands grabbed her hips as he watched her riding his pelvis. Her moist, warm sex surrounded him and caressed him in her silky womb. He almost lost control of himself and had to fight the urge.

He raised himself up so that they were chest to chest, upright on the bed. With Andie now on his lap, they held each other close as he thrust himself inside her. Their sweat beaded bodies rocked together as Gerard dragged his open, salivating mouth over her chest and groaned against her hot skin. They were both too caught up in the moment to notice when the headboard started knocking against the wall with the movement of their bodies against each other.

Gerard's erection stroked her walls rythmically as her body began convulsing against his. Her pleasure peaked as he thrust himself in and out of her eager body. She came with a quiet gasp against him before her mouth found his warm shoulder and she bit him there, moaning.

Andie's muscles convulsing and tightening around him as she came caused Gerard to lose control himself. He could hold back no more. Gerard thrust himself hard into her one last time as his body shuddered and he released himself inside her. His open mouth groaned against her hot bare chest before him.

Out of breath and spent, they collapsed on the bed together facing one another.

"What the...fuck, Andie..." Gerard breathed and smiled at her.

"What...?" Andie rasped, catching her breath as well.

"Where the hell did that come from?" he asked incredulously.

"I dunno..." she breathed. "Something...just came over me."

"Fuck me..." Gerard laughed. "You've been holding out on me..."

He eagerly looked at his shoulder and the mark she left.

"And you fuckin' bit me! I didn't know you were a biter! Damn, that's sexy!"

Andie suddenly realized something. "I don't know, but I'm not sleeping naked in your mparents' house!" As exhausted as she was, she found her t-shirt and panties and crawled back into the bed next to him.

"Well..I DO think the bed was banging against the wall," Gerard grinned.

"What?? Oh my God," Andie gasped. "Do you think she heard us?"

"Stop it, Andie..." Gerard pulled her close to him. "She wouldn't care if she did."

"I am mortified..."

"Andie...stop it, or I'm gonna bite you back. I bet you left a mark. I hope you did. That's fuckin' cool."

They laughed together.

"I got a fuckin' bite mark. I'm so fuckin' cool," said Gerard still laughing.

"Stop it or I'll bite you again... I thought you were worn out?"

"Oh I dunno, you wanna have a go again?"

"Go to sleep, Gerard..."