But I'll Go Down With My Friends 7/17/06 (not factual)

The rest of the day had it's bumps and bruises in production, but eventually Sam called it quits for the day. It was already 8pm. The group of friends had two hours to get back to the hotel and get ready to go see the local band they wanted to check out.

Back in her hotel room, Andie rewound the day to herself. What an amazing day! She didn't expect to be in the video at ALL. And they guys were just so nice. And Gerard... She just felt...drawn to his personality.

She glanced in the mirror and realized her hair had a mess of products in it from the shoot, so she took a quick shower and blowdried her hair. After applying the bare necessities of makeup, she picked out a black corset top and cute jeans.

Andie had just gotten dressed when there was a knock at the door. She opened the door to find the whole band standing before her in dark jeans and t-shirts or button-down shirts, all freshly showered.

"Your chariot awaits, Milady," smiled Gerard in a British accent.

"Cute Gerard... Come on in, guys. I just need to get some shoes on and I'm ready," said Andie.

"Wow..." said Ray under his breath when she was out of earshot.

Gerard snapped his head around to counter his friend, whispering, "She's with ME, buddy," before he flicked Ray's shoulder.

Mikey leaned forward and whispered, "Looks like she's with all of us, Gee."

Before Gerard could respond to his brother, Andie was walking towards them again and eyeing them suspiciously.

Gerard had an attempt at an innocent look on his face.

"Were you guys just talking about me?? Because I can SO stay here and catch a movie in bed."

With his faux British accent again, Gerard commented. "While that sounds like an excellent idea as well, Love, we shall have to partake in that particular pasttime on another occasion. Actually, we were just saying how bloody good you look."

"You're an idiot," said Bob rolling his eyes.


"Let's go! Let's go! Let's GO!" Frank was closest to the door and looked as if he would bust if they didn't leave soon.

Everyone piled out of the hotel room with Gerard and Andie following behind.

"Wait, what makes you think that was an offer?" she asked him as she closed the door.

Ray and Bob looked at each other in the hallway and snickered.

"Ooooh...that's gotta burn!" laughed Bob.

"Do you want on my list, too, Bob?" piped Gerard pointing at Bob. "Do ya?"

Bob gave Gerard a look that said 'as if you could'.

"Watch out. He's taking names," noted Andie nodding.

"HA! HA! you guys!" yelled Gerard pointing down the hall to his friends. "See? See?"

Frank and Mikey were already waiting in the elevator holding the door for their friends.

"Yeah, we see. We see you not getting on the elevator!" said Ray as he and Bob sprinted the rest of the way to the door.

The elevator doors shut on the waving bandmates just as Gerard and Andie reached them.

"Ahhhh!" Gerard exclaimed, frantically pressing the elevator's down button. "Shit!"

Andie broke into a giggle as Gerard turned to her. "Are you laughing?? Oh it's funny, huh? It's funny how they pick on me?"

"Oh no. Something tells me you give as much as you get!"

"Oh yeah?" Gerard grabbed her and tickled her sides.

Laughing loudly now, Andie tried to move away, but Gerard only increased his grip on her and was holding onto her from behind as she doubled over laughing. The elevator door opened and they both looked up to see Bob and Mikey with shocked looks on their faces.

"Nice!...Nice, Gerard!" said Mikey.

"We can't leave you alone for a minute, and you're already assaulting her?" said Bob.

Mikey led Andie to one corner of the elevator as Bob playfully shoved Gerard into the opposite corner and made him turn around so he was facing it.

"Don't even look at her, you perv!" laughed Bob.

"Don't worry," grinned Mikey. "We won't let him hurt you, ma'am."

"Mikey, you don't want on my list!" Gerard laughed "You don't want it, man."

Eventually they all piled into a rented black Escalade waiting in front of the hotel and Bob drove them to the club. The band hadn't started playing yet, so everyone decided to get something to drink first. Most of them had already ordered something with alcohol in it when Gerard ordered a Diet Pepsi. Andie looked over at him.

"Oh, you must be our designated driver," she thought aloud.

"Well, yeah," he said. "But...I'm also a recovering alcoholic."

"Oh..." she considered and realized she would be drinking in front of him. "I'm sorry. I didn't know. I wouldn't have..."

"No," he stopped her with his hand on her arm. "It's ok. I'm totally down with other people drinking. It's just...not for me."

But Andie couldn't help but still feel badly.

They got a table on the club's upper level balcony to finish their drinks and waited for the band to start. Then they went down to the floor. The place was packed and the band rocked. It was a punk rock band called "Agent Orange" out of Cali.

The group had a blast. Some of the guys got a little tipsy and started slamming into each other. Andie laughed as she jumped along with them all.

By the time the show was over, it was nearly 1am. Gerard drove them all back to the hotel and walked Andie to her room while his boisterous friends went back to their rooms.

"Man...that was great! They fucking rocked!" said Gerard, still psyched.

"They did!" agreed Andie. "I loved it."

"You ever seen one of our shows?" asked Gerard as they reached her door.

"I saw a couple that were recorded, but never in person," said Andie inserting her keycard.

"Well, that'll have to change," remarked Gerard knowingly.

Andie thought about his remark for a moment and smiled.

"So...you think everyone's gonna make it in the morning?" she asked as she opened the door.

"I fucking hope so!" Gerard said as Andie turned to him in the doorway.

It was that awkward, end of a date, kind of moment that nobody's ever comfortable with unless they're completely wasted.

"I had fun," smiled Andie, breaking the silence.

"So did I," said Gerard, watching her mouth. "We should do something again tomorrow night...if you want, that is." He eyes moved to meet hers. He always worried that he was too bold.

"Sure," said Andie studying his eyes. They seemed to be telling her more than the words coming out of his mouth. "I'd like that."

He glanced up and down from her eyes to her lips several more times before he decided it definately wasn't too soon anymore. He slowly took her face in his hands and leaned down until his lips finally met hers.

Andie saw it coming and her heart skipped a beat as he kissed her. It was so unexpectedly gentle and sweet. She felt it in her knees and had to fight not to let them buckle beneath her. Yet, it felt so natural.

And she realized, in that moment with him, that there were two very different sides to this man; the bold, energetic one, and the caring, concerned one.

With his eyes still closed, Gerard let his lips leave hers. Biting his bottom lip, he rested his forehead against hers. He released his hands from her face and moved them down from her arms to her hands.

"I'd better go..." whispered Gerard.

"Yeah.." she whispered back.

He lifted his face from hers and their eyes met before she grinned up at him and stole one more quick kiss.

"Goodnight," she smiled as he turned around.

Gerard smiled back before heading down the hall to the elevator.

Andie closed the door and rested her back against it as she sighed. "Wow..." she said aloud.