Gerard Gets the Chair 7/17/06 (not factual)


Gerard plopped down into Andie’s chair with that same devilish grin.

“So...speaking of later...” But he looked up and their change in proximity suddenly made him self-conscious about being alone with her. Suddenly he felt like he did when he was younger and so unsure of himself. But after seeing the look on her face as Andie's eyes tried to avoid his, he began to realize that she, too, seemed nervous all of a sudden.

“Yeah...” Andie said, hearing herself as she said it and thinking it sounded a little too breathless. He was just so close all of a sudden. And that playful flirting was easier when she wasn’t within inches of him and couldn’t smell his hair and clothes.

“Do you want to hang out with us after the shoot today?” he asked her quietly.

“Yeah,” Andie replied, still a little dazed at the closeness of him. “I’d...I’d like that.”

He forced himself to suppress his lack of confidence as his eyes searched her face. He suddenly had the urge to kiss her. She was just so close. He could feel her body heat in front of him. Just a little bit closer and he could taste those pouty lips...

No. It’s way too soon.

Andie seemed to realize the same thing at the exact moment and blinked as she moved back a bit.

“So...” she regained her composure. “How do you want your eyes...’done’?” She attempted to bring the humor back for them both, but one look into those dark eyes looking up at her, and she felt like she could just melt inside them.

“Well, I’ve had them...’done’...a lot of different ways in the past," Gerard licked his suddenly dry lips. "Why don’t you decide?” He leaned his face closer yet to hers challenging himself as well. “I trust you.”

Those three words sounded like they fit perfectly in the small space between the two of them. She felt so different around Gerard than she had an hour ago, much less five minutes ago. Suddenly, she had this strange feeling like she'd known him half her life, and she relaxed.

“Nobody will care?” she asked, concerned.

“Not if I say so,” said Gerard without blinking, hoping that didn't come out as arrogant.

Andie considered for a moment and he could almost see her mind working.

“Well, I was thinking...maybe...charcoal shadow...or, no...a dark brown shadow...and little or no eyeliner.”

“Whatever you think...” smiled Gerard. Then he noticed as her eyes moved up to his hair. “Is it too much?”

“,” Andie replied and burrowed her brows. “It looks great. You have...” she hesitated, finding the right words. “You have a nice face, so you could probably shave your head and it wouldn’t look bad...from a professional standpoint, of course.” She grinned.

“Of course,” Gerard returned her grin.

Andie started applying the ivory base makeup on Gerard as he leaned his head back and closed his eyes. He laced his long fingers in themselves and rested them on his stomach. He looked so peaceful and serene, like he could fall asleep right there in her chair.

Gerard was taking in Andie's presense next to him, the faint perfume, the rhythm of her breathing, her delicate hands touching his face and hair.

"Sam told me you're supposed to look like a sick patient..or a corpse or something," said Andie, pointing up to the left. "Look up there."

"Yeah," Gerard obeyed as she applied the shadow. "Our new album is a concept album, sort of like Pink Floyd's 'The Wall' or something. I'm trying to represent the patient in the story. He's an everyman who tragically dies at a young age from disease. That's why I had my hair done like this, also."

"Oh I get it," thought Andie. "You guys kind of had a concept with the other two albums, too, didn't you?"

"Yeah, kind of..." Gerard blinked. "Sorry..." he said as Andie had to stop applying eyeliner.

"It's alright," she said as she smudged the liner under his eye with her finger. She turned the chair around so he could see himself in the mirror across the counter. “What do you think?”

“It’s great,” Gerard smiled, stood up, and leaned closer to the mirror turning his face slightly. “You did great. I like the way you did my eyes. It’s not too much, but just right.” He turned to face her. “Thank you, Andie.”

“You’re very welcome,” smiled Andie back up at him.

He found himself, once more, with the urge to kiss her. It was too soon 20 minutes ago, why would it be the right time now? He placed a hand on each of her upper arms, before he was really sure himself of what he was going to do. The next thing he knew, he was wrapping his arms around her and hugging her. She slid her arms up under his to his back and returned the hug. He could feel her body relax against his, as she exhaled from his weight against her chest.

They lingered a moment or two longer than two people would normally hug. He turned his face to her neck and closed his eyes as he inhaled the scent of her warm skin.

They heard the door open and both turned, still half embracing, to see Sam's assistant stick her head in the door.

“Um...they’re almost ready for you, Gerard,” she seemed as confused as they were.

“Thanks,” Gerard replied, not quite letting go of Andie. He turned back to her, grinning again, as the door shut. “So, you're coming with me to wardrobe...right??”

“Oh shit!” Andie recalled as her shoulders dropped. “I almost forgot about that.”

“I told you,” Gerard reassured her. “You’ll have fun. And later tonight, you’re gonna hang out with us, right?” He said grabbing his hooded jacket off a chair and took her hand to lead her out of the room as they headed towards wardrobe together.

“Yeah, of course,” said Andie, very conscious of his big warm hand holding hers.

“Great!” he smiled over at her. “Bob knows somebody...who knows somebody...that plays in a band that's playing this small gig tonight. We thought we’d check it out.”

“Sounds like fun. Do you know what time?”

“Well, it starts at 10. But whenever we finish here, we’ll need time to go back to the hotel to shower and stuff. Are you staying at the same hotel?”

“Oh yeah. I think everyone working on the shoot is.”

“Well, we’re here,” he said as they reached wardrobe. “Let me show you some things.”

He held up some unusual dresses in black and white and helped her pick out a few to try on.

“Alright, I’m gonna go try these on and do my own hair!” said Andie grinning.

“See? I told you you'd have fun!" Gerard pointed out. "So...I guess I’ll find you when we’re done later? Or we could grab something to eat during a break too? I mean...if you want to, that is.”

“Sure! Just find me. I’ll be around here somewhere. Good luck. Hope you have fun!”

“Oh I will!” Gerard grinned as Andie headed back to her room and he headed off to join the guys on the set.