You Don't Work Here Anymore 8/7/06

The Monday morning following the cancelled shows, Gerard and Andie picked up Brian at his hotel. They were to meet with Kay, Andie's boss at the agency she worked for.

"Hey Jennifer," Andie smiled and greeted Kay's assistant as they walked into the office.

"Andie!" Jennifer exclaimed walking around her desk to hug Andie. "I'm so glad you're okay!"

"Yeah," Andie replied. "It was quite an ordeal... This is Gerard Way and Brian Schechter. We're supposed to meet with Kay this morning."

Gerard and Brian greeted Jennifer.

"Oh yeah, she's expecting you. Come on." Jennifer showed them into Kay's office.

Kay got up from behind her desk and greeted them all.

"Andie, it's good to have you back. I hear you have some exciting things planned. Let's all go into the conference room where we can discuss it further."

Kay showed them through a doorway and they all took seats at a large conference table.

"Thanks for meeting with us on such short notice," said Brian across the table from Kay.

"No problem," she replied quickly. "So, what kind of plans have you all made without me?"

Gerard noted the sarcasm in her remark, but crossed his arms and decided to bite his tongue.

"Well, the band was really pleased with the work Andie did for them on the videos we shot. They came up with this idea themselves, actually. They want to be Andie's exclusive clients. So...we're here to arrange that with you." Brian offerred.

"That's nice..." Kay considered his remarks while studying them all and rubbing her chin. " think you're ready to handle this kind of responsibility, Andie?"

"Yes, I do." Andie stared at Kay, confused.

She would never have thought Kay would mind the proposal. She'd had other agents, like Andie, who had been offerred exclusive contracts through the agency. Why did it seem that she was suddenly opposing the idea of Andie doing that, too? It wasn't like she was asking to be released from her contract with the agency. Plus, Andie had been going from job to job for four years now, she had earned the right to take this opportunity, even if she hadn't become friends with these guys.

"Well, I don't know...I mean, I just don't know that you've had enough experience for something of this...magnitude," Kay continued.

Gerard couldn't stay quiet any longer. He didn't like the way this meeting was going...

"She did a great job. The guys and I have a lot of faith in her. We liked her ideas and our look turned out even better than we expected because of her," said Gerard.

"Mr...Way? Is it?" Kay looked at him like he was a child annoying her. "You're with the band, I'm assuming?"

"Yes, I am." Gerard stared at her blankly. He'd dealt with pompous people like her all his life. Her attitude didn't phase him one bit.

"Hmm..." Kay studied Andie watching Gerard, whose eyes gave away her relationship with this man. "So...let me guess, you all think that because Andie makes a good...'friend'...that she would be the right person for this job?"

Brian looked over to Gerard, who was pissed.

"No. We think that because Andie has the talent and abilities that the band will need as their album is released, that she's proven she's the right person for the job," said Brian.

"Talent? Hmm...okay. Well, there is the issue of a written agreement with your...'band'," Kay continued her sarcastic insults. "Since Andie is, technically, my employee, there is a standard contract with this agency that we are entitled to 15% of her earnings throughout the remainder of her employment contract with us."

She slid the legal document across the table to Brian, who stared at it without touching it.

"And her employment contract ends when exactly?" asked Brian.

"It runs through December 31st of this year," answered Kay matter-of-factly staring at Brian.

Brian couldn't stand this woman's attitude any longer and took charge of the situation. Andie didn't need to have Kay hovering over her for the rest of the year with all that would be happening with the band AND sharing her earnings with her, too.

"We've decided to buy you out of her contract today. So, we'll be reimbursing you for the loss of income you would have gained as stated on this contract, and we'll just hire her outright ourselves." Brian smiled, blinking at Kay.

"Fine," Kay muttered through tight lips. She turned to Gerard. "I hope you know what you're getting yourself into, son. Because having a girlfriend as an employee isn't the wisest decision any musician could make."

Gerard took a deep breath before answering.

"I am PART of the band. We make deicisions together...not that it's any of your business," Gerard countered.

"If you say so," Kay smiled smartly at them all.

Brian handed Kay the check he had made out. "We'll need this in writing before we leave, too." He smiled blankly at her.

Kay left the room in a huff with the check and the contract that was now void.

Andie turned to Brian who was shaking his head in disgust. "Thank you, Brian. I can't believe you did that."

"Are you kidding? I wouldn't want anyone to have to put up with her shit for the rest of the year. And the guys had already told me they wanted to do it after your contract with her ended, anyway." Brian explained.

"Man, was she always like that with you?" Gerard asked Andie incredulously.

"NO...I've never seen her act that way," Andie said.

"Maybe she knew she was going to lose you anyway," Brian thought aloud.

Gerard and Andie agreed.

So it began. They left the agency that day and Andie was now officially an employee of the band and it's management. They didn't let the bitter woman's comments bother them. The band had decided this together and proposed it to her themselves. It was just a bonus that they all got along so well. The band and Andie didn't feel like employer and employee. Just like the band's relationship with Brian, they were friends...and colleagues. And they were in this whole thing together for the same reason.

Now, Gerard and Andie would have nothing standing in their way. They would be together. And, at that time, nothing could please them more.