Don't Take Anyone's Shit 7/18/06 (not factual)

Sam stopped the group as they reached the set. "Hi guys. Why don't you go ahead and go to wardrobe first today."

"See ya soon," smiled Gerard to Andie.

The guys headed off in the other direction while Andie started towards her room. Sam caught up with her. "I need a minute with you."

"Sure, Sam," she said.

"I want you to be here before the guys so you can have everything ready for them. Why were you with them?"

It shocked Andie for a moment. She hadn't considered he would care. "I don't know. We just kind of all hit it off together...and they asked me to."

"I don't think that's a good idea for the rest of our shoot," Sam reprimanded her. "They have a lot of work to do and your job is to be here and ready for them."

Andie didn't say anything about how she had everything ready yesterday when she left. She didn't want to cause any problems. She needed this job and was enjoying it so much. She didn't want to do anything to jeopardize it. She just nodded and apologized before Sam was beckoned again.

When the guys reached the makeup room in their military-style uniforms, Andie had already started coffee and was sitting on a couch sipping from a steaming mug.

"!" Gerard headed over to get him a cup but he stopped when he noticed Andie looked a little down.

"You okay?" he asked. Then it dawned on him that he saw Sam talking to her when they went to wardrobe earlier. "What did Sam want?"

"It's nothing, really," she said, but she was never a good liar.

"I don't think so," said Gerard, sitting down next to her and facing her. "What's wrong?"

"Well...he just said to make sure I'm here before you guys tomorrow," she said attempting a smile to convince him it didn't bother her.

"What? Why?" asked Gerard, not buying it.

"I don't know. It's okay, really. I mean...I should be here first. I probably shouldn't have come with you guys. He doesn't think it's a good idea."

"But Gerard asked you to.." said Mikey, just as concerned as Gerard.

"Did he fucking say that to you?" asked Gerard squinting and growing more pissed as it became clearer to him.

Andie shook her head. "But it's okay. Really."

"But you had everything ready for today when we left yesterday. So what fucking difference would it make if we came together or not?" asked Frank.

Gerard got up and headed toward the door.

"Wait...Gerard!" said Andie, trying to catch up with him. "I don't want to risk losing this job. And...I like being here with you guys."

"Oh, you're not going anywhere, trust me," he said as he left the room.

"Great. I don't want to start anything. It's not that big of a deal!" said Andie to the rest of the guys.

"Well apparently it is to Gerard. Don't worry. I'm sure he'll take care of it." said Frank.

On the other side of the building, Gerard found Sam and didn't waste any time dancing around the subject.

"What did you say to Andie?" he asked as soon as he reached him.

"Andie who? Oh, the stylist girl. I told her she needed to be here before you guys so she was prepared."

"She had everything ready yesterday when we left." Gerard countered. "That wasn't necessary."

" all don't need any distractions over the next few days anyway."

"I think we'll judge that for ourselves, Sam. You didn't have any right to cross that line."

Sam shrugged. "Yeah. You're right. I'm sorry."

Sam was called over to the art director and the discussion was over.

When Gerard walked back into the salon room, Andie was already working on Ray's hair. Gerard didn't say a word, just smiled and started to pour himself some coffee like nothing happened.

"Well...what did you do?" asked Mikey.

"Nothing, really," said Gerard as he doctored his coffee. "I just told Sam that wasn't his place to say that to Andie."

Andie stared at Gerard with an apprehensive look on her face.

"Don't worry, Andie. You're not going anywhere," said Gerard. "I wouldn't allow that to happen."

"Neither would we," said Mikey. The other guys all agreed.

Andie went back to spraying some conditioner on Ray's hair, but was wondering what this would mean for the next few days. Was Sam going to give her a hard time?

"Relax," Gerard noticed her stiffness and put his free hand on Andie's shoulder. "It's okay."

"Is Sam going to be in a shitty mood now though?" she worried allowed.

"He's too busy. He understood and he apologized. It's over," Gerard sat down in the chair next to Ray and sipped his coffee again.

"Andie...if Gerard said he took care of it, he took care of it," said Ray.

"Yeah, we've all taken enough shit off people in the past," said Bob. "We just don't anymore."

Andie wanted to believe them. So she put it aside and everyone moved on to discussing the band they'd seen the night before. Gerard refilled her coffee for her and had taken on this, 'Stick with me kid, I'll take care of you' attitude and Andie found it felt surprisingly natural to her.