Just Like My Favorite Scenes 8/23/06

The day after the Hammersmith show, the guys didn't have anything scheduled. They would stay in London for six days. During those six days, they would play both the Leeds and Reading festivals, do a press conference on the new album, and at least one interview and photo shoot for a magazine.

Since they still weren't quite functioning on the local time, Gerard and Andie had stayed up late after the show and slept in the next day. Gerard awoke before Andie and felt her warm body next to his. He spooned himself next to her and rested his hand on her stomach.

Lying there next to her, his thoughts wandered to the idea that crept into his head last night when they were talking about Frank and Jamia. Could he do that? Should he do that? HOW would he do that, if he decided to?

Gerard propped his head on his hand and watched her sleeping. She was such a beautiful person, both inside and out. He smiled as he recalled meeting her and how they would tease and flirt together. He thought back to their conversations about the things that meant something to each of them. He loved how important her family was to her, because his was important to him. He thought about how Andie had to work through a lot of issues after her brother's death, but she was doing such a great job of moving on now. She loved music and was so talented. She even liked the same movies, games, and some of the same comics he liked. And she was so smart...and funny...and insightful. How amazing was it that he even found her? And how could he ever let someone so perfect for him walk out of his life?

In that moment, he felt so very fortunate to have her by his side. She felt so right with him. Why wouldn't he follow through with that idea that had found it's way into his head? He knew in his heart that there would never be another person that meant this much to him. Andie belonged with him and he belonged with her.

So he decided. He would do it, eventually. But it had to be done just right. He would need to come up with a plan. Because this would have to be perfect. Andie deserved nothing less.

Andie stirred and Gerard bent his head to kiss her cheek.

"Good morning," he whispered. "Or...afternoon."

Andie smiled and giggled quietly. "Is it afternoon?" she mumbled rubbing her face.

"Yeah..." Gerard answered. "Is there anything you wanna do today?"

"Mmmm..." Andie placed her hand over his on her stomach and hugged it close to her. "I wanna stay right here with you..."

Gerard grinned. That was exactly what he wanted to do today.

"You're so warm..." Gerard laid his head back down and snuggled up closer to her in the cold air conditioned hotel room.

Andie lifted her hand from his and reached around his hips to his behind. "Mmmm...so are you..."

Gerard playfully pressed his pelvis to her behind and bit his bottom lip. Andie laughed at him and pressed her behind back against his already growing erection.

"God, I suck..." Gerard complained. "Stay right here. I gotta piss and I'll be right back. Don't move!"

Andie laughed hysterically as he crawled out of bed and hurried to the bathroom. When he returned, his got under the sheets and snuggled up against her again.

"Are you okay now?" Andie grinned as she turned her head to him.

"Yeah...I'm sorry," Gerard apologized.

"Don't be silly," Andie laid her head back down. "Now, where were we?" She pushed her behind to his pelvis again.

"We were right...there," Gerard pressed his pelvis against her bottom. He kissed her shoulder as the erection that had not gone away returned in full force.

Andie reached around to rub his hip behind her as Gerard's mouth moved from her shoulder to her neck and ear, planting tender kisses on her warm skin. She felt his hand slide up under her t-shirt to cup her breast and hard nipple in his palm.

"Mmmmm...." Andie moaned as his breath on her skin tingled and his hands on her body excited her.

Gerard slid his hand slowly over her stomach and into her panties as he kissed her ear and breathed into it. "I love you making you happy..."

Andie's legs spread just enough to allow his fingers access, and she tilted her pelvis slightly at his hand. As his fingers found her warm moisture her breathing increased. She turned her head to his at her neck as he kissed her lips.

Gerard slowly ground his hips to her behind as his tongue slid inside her mouth and his fingers slid inside her warm sex. After a moment or two, Andie pryed her lips off his. As pleasing as his hands were...and they were, this just wasn't gonna do... She wanted more.

"Wait..." Andie lifted his hand and hastily removed her panties as Gerard welcomed her initiative and removed his boxers.

Completely intoxicated by her excitement, Andie pressed her bare buttocks against his erection and moaned.

Gerard, too, was completely enthralled in the moment as the soft round cheeks of her bottom teased his hardness behind her. His breathing was shallow as he kissed her shoulder and neck with his open mouth. He slid his hand over her stomach and pulled her back harder against his pelvis.

"Now..." Andie breathed as her hand squeezed his bare buttock.

Gerard's open mouth was motionless over her shoulder as he slid himself inside her warm depths from behind.

"Ohhh sssshit," he moaned into her ear as his chest heaved against her back.

Andie panted and slightly rocked her behind against his pelvis as he slowly slid in and out of her. He pressed his hand against her stomach as he thrust himself into her moist warmth. Her body writhed against his behind her and she moaned as she was already coming.

Gerard sucked on her shoulder and neck. "God, I love you," he breathed into her ear.

Andie caught her breath when her body recovered from her orgasm. "Wait..." she breathed. She moved her hips forward so he slid out of her, and she turned onto her stomach. "C'mere..." she purred as she brought her knees up under her.

Gerard was more than happy to oblige. His breathing was rampid as got up on his knees behind her and held onto her hips. He thrust himself deeper and harder into her from behind. Trying to hold back, he wanted to make this erotic moment last as long as he possibly could.

The restraint he commanded as he thrust himself in and out of her body found Andie moaning into the mattress. The pleasure of his hard erection probing inside her brought her yet another orgasm.

At this point, Gerard could hold back no more. He thrust himself inside her from behind one last time and shuddered as he released himself.

They laid back down together, facing one another as they caught their breath.

"I love you, Gerard," Andie said in a throaty voice and grinned

With a panting open mouth, Gerard smiled lovingly across the pillow at her. Amazing. She was just fucking amazing in every definition of the word, and in every aspect of her being.